August 31, 2021

Cancel Culture Run Amok: Chase Bans Gen. Flynn

Chase Bank has alerted Gen. Michael Flynn that it is cancelling his credit cards from that institution, citing “reputational risk” from his having the accounts. GETTR has confirmed with Gen. Flynn that news reports about the letter he received from Chase are accurate.

GETTR Chief Executive Officer Jason Miller today issued the following statement:

“If you don’t think cancel culture is out of control, you’re not paying attention. They will come after your 1st Amendment rights, they will come after your job, and now they have shown they will come after your finances.

“This is more proof that GETTR is filling a vital need. We have to fight back against the woke mob and use all of our available tools. Gen. Flynn is an American hero and he has a GETTR account, and so should everyone who cares about freedom!"


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