April 11, 2022

Elon Musk Realized Twitter Is “Rotten All the Way Through”: GETTR CEO Jason Miller

Twitter is a “fundamentally broken product” with a culture of political discrimination that cannot be fixed, GETTR CEO Jason Miller said Monday after it emerged Musk had rejected a seat on the board following his purchase of a 9 percent stake in the Big Tech platform which made him its largest shareholder.

“I think that Musk has found ever since he has started the investment into Twitter that ultimately Twitter cannot be fixed. Twitter is a fundamentally broken product,” Miller said in an exclusive livestream on his GETTR profile Monday afternoon.

“Twitter stinks from head to toe and the culture there is one of political discrimination. It is one where winners and losers are going to be picked based on ideology,” Miller continued.

“Here's what I mean by Twitter being a fundamentally broken product: Twitter's technology is very good. They're adding on new features now for the first time in what seems like months or even years. They're actually coming forward and putting out something new, but the culture at Twitter is rotten all the way through.”

Musk had been vocal about the platform’s failure to protect freedom of expression and even asked his followers if Twitter was “dying” over the weekend before Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal confirmed that Musk would no longer be joining the board.

Miller said the solution to Big Tech’s repeated acts of censorship – including the deplatforming of President Donald Trump, the banning of discussion on the origins of COVID-19, or the censoring of the New York Post’s investigation into Hunter Biden’s laptop – was more competition in the marketplace.

“There is no fixing the culture of Twitter. That is why we need alternative platforms such as GETTR,” Miller said.

“I think what Rumble is doing is great. Even other folks who are marketplace competitors of ours, whether we're talking about Truth Social or Parler, different people are coming up with alternative platforms to challenge the status quo, to take on this Big Tech political censorship orthodoxy. That is the way of the past. I think what GETTR and these new platforms are doing is challenging the orthodoxy and saying ‘We're going to give people a voice,’” he went on.

Watch Miller’s full livestream on GETTR.

GETTR is the fastest-growing social media platform in history, having marked its first million users less than three days after its formal launch on July 4, 2021. By comparison, Twitter took 24 months to attract one million users while Facebook took 10 months. Today, GETTR has over five million registered users.

GETTR is available in the Apple App Store and the Google Play App Store, as well as online at www.GETTR.com.


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