September 23, 2021
GETTR Announces Winner of Ford® F-150® in Get Truckin’ Sweepstake
GETTR, the new social media platform which defends free speech and fights cancel culture, today announced the winner of a fully loaded 2021 Ford® F-150® truck in its first ever Get Truckin’ sweepstakes. GETTR Chief Executive Officer Jason Miller personally presented the truck to sweepstakes winner Rafael Goldberg of Lakewood, NJ.
“GETTR has taken off like a rocket ship and people are not tired of winning yet,” Miller said. “I’m proud to present this great new truck, because it’s as American as the First Amendment. We celebrate our freedoms at GETTR and we’re celebrating Rafael Goldberg as the winner of our first big contest.”
“I’m not usually a big social media guy, but I find myself on GETTR several times every day because I want to be part of something that promotes free speech,” Goldberg said. “The other social media platforms have been suppressing anything that falls out of line with what’s accepted in their elite circles. At GETTR, I feel like I’m free to express my own opinions.”
Goldberg, 34, who joined GETTR shortly after its launch in July, is married with three children and works in technical support and customer service in Lakewood. His family owns two 2005 vehicles, each with more than 150,000 miles, so winning a 2021 Ford® F-150® could not have come at a better time.
“It didn’t sink in right away when I got the phone call from GETTR telling me that I’d won,” Goldberg said. “You enter a contest like this, and you think, ‘I’ll never win.’ But it’s really exciting. The timing for us was perfect.”
The contest entry period ran from August 25th through September 6th with the winner selected at random by an outside firm. Contestants were required to have a registered GETTR account to enter. The complete contest rules can be found here.
On Wednesday, September 29, 2021, GETTR will announce another massive sweepstakes giveaway with a different, equally impressive prize. As with Get Truckin’, the new contest will require entrants to have a registered GETTR account.
GETTR, which does not cancel people for their political opinions, officially launched on July 4th and already has amassed more than two million registered users. GETTR achieved its first million users less than three days after launch and cemented its place in history as the fastest growing social media platform ever. By comparison, Twitter took 24 months to attract one million users while Facebook took 10 months.
GETTR is available in the Apple App Store and the Google Play App Store, as well as online at
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