September 27, 2021

GETTR CEO Jason Miller: Big Tech Interfered in 2020 Election

In an interview with the U.K. Express, Jason Miller, Chief Executive Officer of the new “cancel free” social media platform GETTR, said Silicon Valley social media giants impacted the 2020 election. As an example, Miller cited the suppression of the damning story of Hunter Biden’s laptop, the contents of which indicated that Joe Biden knew of, approved of, and potentially benefited personally from Hunter’s foreign business dealings.

The Express story reads, in part:

Speaking to the Sunday Express, Mr Miller accused the social media giants of interfering in the last US election by suppressing a damaging story about Joe Biden’s son Hunter and then after the election banning Mr Trump from both Twitter and Facebook for life.He said: “One in six Biden voters have said they would have changed their vote or considered doing so if they had known about the Hunter Biden story.”***He said: “We launched on July 4th, Independence Day, so that people could declare their independence from big tech and so far we've been the fastest ever social media platform to get to 1 million users.“We are also the fastest ever social media platform to 2 million users and this thing is really taking off like a rocket ship.”***The new platform will also be different in that it will not collect and sell people’s data.Describing his competitors, Mr Miller said: “Ostensibly they are about social media, they are actually data companies.”Echoing a campaign slogan from his former boss, Mr Miller said that GETTR will “make social media fun again.”

Read the rest here.


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